About Library
Library is the brain of any Institution and the books and visitors in the Library makes the Institute rich. Our privilege college Library is situated at ground floor with reading hall, main collection and Teachers reading section. Online Public Access Catalogue [OPAC] is provided to the users at the entrance of the library [OPAC section] where students can use OPAC extensively for searching the required books and periodicals. The students extensively use Library Reading Hall and around 80 students are availing this facility.
Library Objectives
- To develop and maintain reading habits among the students.
- To aid the students in their personal growth and sharpen their intellectual curiosity.
- To provide information source necessary for teaching – learning process in the subject field of interest to the college.
- To aid the teachers to the latest development in the area of specialization.
Sections of the Library
- Circulation section
- Newspaper reading section
- OPAC section
- New Arrivals
- Periodicals Section
- Reference Collection section
- Reading Hall
- E-zone section
- Teacher’s Reading section
Library Collections
Junior College |
Book -Bank |
Text-Books |
Reference Books |
Masters Books |
Journals |
Magazines |
Newspapers |
CD’s |
Donated Books |
Total |
Library Services
- Library Orientation – Library orientation is given to the new students and newly recruited staff of the college to enable them to use the library collection extensively and avail the facility of the Library.
- OPAC – Online Public Access Catalogue.
- Circulation of Books and Reading Materials
- Students- One book at a time for 7 days
- Teachers – Allotted Subjects text books till the term end.
3 Reference Books for 15 Days
2 Journals /Magazine for 7 Days
- Reference and Information Service
- Book-Bank Facility – Economically weak but deserving candidates and students are from caste like SC, ST, NT, OBC can avail the facility of Book Bank by submitting necessary documents.
- Inter Library Loan – College premises also have two other libraries such as ‘Management College Library ‘ and ‘College of Education Library’; so students can demand the book from any library and avail the facility of Inter Library loan.
- Issue of Identity Smart Cards – Identity Smart cards are generated and issued to all the students and staff members of the College.
- E-Zone Facility – College Library having 5 Computers along with Internet facility for students to surfing and downloading the material. Along with this 2 computers with Internet availability are placed in Teachers reading section especially for teachers.
Best Practices followed by the Library
- Library uses e-Granthalay open source library management software for library automation.
- Attendance of students and teachers in Research and Reference Section and Reading hall is recorded every day and entry and exit register with sign is mentioned. This helps in taking some policy decision about services.
- Newspaper clippings are displayed on regular basis.
- Competitive Examination Section is created for students.
- Open Access Facility in all the sections of the library.
- Suggestion box is available for students to make suggestions.
- Library is under CCTV surveillance.
- Occasional Book Display/Exhibitions are held on regular basis.
Library Time Schedule
- Working Days – Monday to Saturday
- Library Timings – 9:30am-6:00pm
- Issue – Return Timings – 10:00am-5:30pm
- Reading Room Timings – 9:30am-6:00pm
Rules and regulation for the use of Library [For students]
- Every individual entering the library should be a BONAFIDE STUDENT of the College and must have a valid LIBRARY SMART CARD. The Identity smart card should be produced as and when demanded by any of the library staff.
- Duplicate LIBRARY SMART CARD – In case Library Smart Card is lost, it should be reported to the Librarian. A duplicate Smart Card will be issued to the student against a payment of Rs.50/- only, after receiving proper application.
- Mutilation of Books
It is strictly forbidden to mark library books with pencil or ink or mutilate them in any way. The reader to whom the book was/ is issued last will be held responsible for loss of pages or any other damage unless he/she has brought it to the notice of the library staff before borrowing. Any student held responsible for damage of reading materials will be liable to fine equivalent to the damage caused. - Reference books, periodicals / Journals are not issued on home lending.
- The book will be re-issued if they are not in demand.
- Fine will be charged for loss of books in addition to replacement of the same.
- Complete silence must be observed in and around the library. Disregard of this rule will invite punishment.
- The smooth working of the library is possible only if students adhere to the rules and regulations of the library. The Librarian reserves the right to refer cases of breach of discipline to the Principal.
- For any reference material or information a student should approach the librarian.
- Any Electronic device such as Mobile phones, i-pods, music players, Pen drives are strictly prohibited in the Library premises.
- If any problem regarding Library services or facilities immediately contact Librarian.
- Library Fine
A book must be returned on or before the due date shown on the book. In case of urgent need the book will have to be returned immediately. In case a student fails to return a book within the time limit, a fine of Re.2 per day per book will be charged for first 10 days and Rs.5/- per day per book onwards. During examination days the fine would be Rs.20/- per day per book. A student may get a book reissued, if it is not in demand. A student taking books outside the reading hall without the special permission of the librarian will have to pay a fine of Rs. 20/- per day per book.
Library Committee
The Library Committee meets once in a year officially and informal meetings of the members are held as and when required. The Committee also meets the Principal to seek her approval and guidance as far as important issues are concerned.
Members of the Library Committee
Ms Liby Merin Thomas
Ms. Vishakha Mokashi
Ms.Keerti Choudhari
Mr.Anant Dwivedi
Mr.Vishal Rajak
Mr. Anil Yadav
Ms. Sakshi Mishra(student)
Library Staff
Sr. No. | Post | Name | Qualification | Quantity |
1) | Librarian | Ms. Vishakha V. Mokashi | B.Sc., M.L.I.Sc, NET, PGDLAN | 01 |
2) | Library Assistant | Mr. Harikrishna Dubey | HSC | 01 |
3) | Peon | Mrs. Rashmi Gujar | HSC | 01 |
| Total |
| 03 |